Welcome to Engen Medical Benefit Fund
This site offers you convenient access to important information with regards to your membership of the Fund. You will get to know the benefits offered by the Fund and how to access them through your use of the information on this website. We tell you how to apply for certain authorisations to get the best from these benefits and we explain the rules and processes you have to follow. You can read all the documents we normally send to you on the website: past copies of the newsletters, the annual financial statements and your benefit brochures. We also keep you informed of the latest news and happenings. The navigation above may be used to find your way around the site.
We look forward to finding new and improved methods of providing you with friendly and efficient online services.
Rules of the Fund
Engen Medical Benefit Fund (EMBF) is governed by the Medical Schemes Act of 1998 and its Regulations and by the Fund Rules, registered by the Council for Medical Schemes.
The Registered Rules are listed in PDF below:
Benefit Schedules and Annexures A: Contributions
Benefit Schedules and Annexures B: Schedule of Benefits
Benefit Schedules and Annexures C: Exclusions and Limitations
Benefit Schedules and Annexures D: Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB Conditions)
Benefit Schedules and Annexures E: Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncological Treatment
Benefit Schedules and Annexure F - Day Surgery Procedures
Benefit Schedules and Annexure G - Additional Disease List for other Chronic Conditions